June Birth Flower
:any of a genus (Rosa of the family Rosaceae, the rose family) of usually prickly shrubs with pinnate leaves and showy flowers having five petals in the wild state but being often double or partly double under cultivation
:a prickly bush or shrub that typically bears red, pink, yellow, or white fragrant flowers, native to north temperate regions. Numerous hybrids and cultivars have been developed and are widely grown as ornamentals
Oh the sweet rose. Its beauty is apparent, its elegance out performs them all and its smell so fragrant. The rose is by far the most popular flower around the world. Like who doesn't know what a rose is right? I could not think of another flower more classic than the rose. It symbolizes love, devotion and passion. Of course it is taken as a romantic symbol but since it is so common, roses can symbolize and be used for almost anything. In fact every color has its own meaning! If you are at all interested in all the different kinds of roses, here is a link of a very well put together diagram and accurate information on roses. Its a good read for all who are interested.
There are nearly 150 species of these elegant flowers, the blooms come in all sizes and shapes and range from pure white and pastels to brilliant pink, purple, red, yellow, orange and in all shades of these colors. Above is my favorite type of rose, although it is not officially recognized as a separate class, David Austin—sometimes called English—roses are a beautiful choice and many types are selected for wedding bouquets much like my sisters recent wedding. David Austin started breeding roses over 50 years ago with the goal of creating a new group of roses that featured the best characteristics of both Old and Modern Roses. The hundreds of varieties of David Austin roses have the rosette form and heady fragrance of Old Roses with the repeat flowering capability and wider color range of Modern Roses.
David Austin roses in my sisters wedding bouquet.
I'd like to dedicate this month to my husband, whose birthday is June 5th. The rose is fitting for him, he is always keeping the romance alive. It is also the only flower he can name ;)
Until next time!