VERB pre·serve \pri-ˈzərv\
: to keep (something) in its original state or in good condition
: to keep (something) safe from harm or loss
A non-conformist living a natural life style that embraces creativity is my go to in life. If something is natural, different, unique, beautiful in its own way, I'm all over it. Through this site I hope to encourage involvement in horticulture, to help embrace a life style of tradition and creativity to preserve the beauty we find in nature.

Through my knowledge of horticulture and design I have laid a firm foundation for a greener living. I love bringing the outdoors into my home or even bringing my home to the outdoors! So whether it's sharing new discoveries, landscaping with sustainability, floral motifs or embracing the art of designing with nature, you can be certain that what I share here will contain natural beauty, lots of flowers and all things green. Plants brighten my life, I hope they impact yours too.